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sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2020

Alfabeto decorativo png textura marrom com rosas

Alfabeto decorativo png textura marrom com rosas

2 comentários:

  1. Hello, this is Gordana's neighbor. She asked me to write to you and download your new alphabets.
    Gordana got a very bad eye infection many days ago and finally went to a doctor. Her eyes immediately had to be blindfolded. If the ophthalmologist on Friday would be satisfied with her eyes, she would be allowed to remove her blindfolds.
    Now I'm downloading your alphabets. Gordana was right: you really make beautiful alphabets. Congratulations!
    She thanks you sincerely for all of them.
    All the best and best regards from both of us.

    1. Meu Deus, desejo de todo o coração, que ela fique bem, estarei orando para que ela melhore. Diz a ela que tudo ficará bem! Obrigada pelo carinho e por baixar os alfabetos, ou seja os nossos, tudo aqui é nosso!
      ♥ um abraço carinho a você a Corujinha♥
